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日期:2019-11-16 信息来源: 点击数:


Pingxiang University

Regulations on Foreign TeachersApartment


第一条 住宿者必须遵守中国的法律法规以及萍乡学院的有关管理制度,爱护公寓财产。

1. The resident must observe Chinese laws or rules and relevant regulations formulated by PUand care for the apartments property.

第二条  住宿者办理入住登记后领取住房钥匙,并按指定的房号住宿。未经批准不得擅自调换房间。

2. The resident should fill in the registration form, then ask for the key to the apartment. It is not allowed to change to another apartment without permission.

第三条 住宿者应该注意节约使用水、电、煤气等能源,房内禁止违章使用自备的大功率电器,禁止开无人空调。

3. The resident ought to save water, electricity, gas and other kinds of energy during their stay. Any illegal or big power electric appliances should not be used in the apartment. It is forbidden to keep the air-conditioner on when leaving the premises.

第四条 住宿者应妥善保管护照、钱财及其他个人物品,不宜在房间内存放贵重物品和大量现金。

4. The resident ought to take care of personal belongings such as passports and cash. Any valuables or a great amount of cash are not suggested to be kept in the room.

第五条 住宿者不得擅自改动房间内任何设施。入住期间不得擅自更换房门钥匙、不得擅自为非本房间住宿人员配钥匙或另加门锁。

5. The resident should not change the facilities in the room. It is not allowed to change the locks of the apartment or make copies of the key for others or add another key without permission.

第六条 室内的生活垃圾应及时清理,不得随意堆置在公共楼道内,不得从楼上外抛。

6. Garbage should be cleaned on time and it is suggested to move the packaged rubbish into dustbin and not to be piled in the public corridor or throw from the window.

第七条 夜间睡觉或假期外出时,必须锁好房间门窗及阳台窗户,切断电源和煤气开关。

7. When leaving for prolonged periods holiday, check if the doors and windows are closed and turn off the power and gas valve.

第八条 如发现室内的设施有故障和不安全隐患,及时向宿舍管理人员报告。如遇煤气泄漏、火灾立即切断电源、迅速离开,并立即拨打报警电话,火警电话“119”、报警服务台电话“110”

8. The residents should report to administrator immediately, once any equipment failure or safety problems are found. If there is gas leakage or in the event of fire, please shut off the power and leave the room immediately, call “119” for fire and “110” for alarm.

第九条 校外来访人员需凭本人有效证件在国际教育与交流中心综合科登记后方可进入公寓。来访人员22:30时前必须离开公寓,不得擅自容留他人住宿。

9. Any outside visitors should register at the general office of international education and exchange center before entering the apartment, and have to leave before 22:30. It is not allowed to provide accommodation to others without permission.

第十条 入住合同结束离开学校时,应将钥匙交回宿舍管理人员。宿舍管理人员应认真核查宿舍财产,若有损失,需照价赔偿(从外教工资中扣除)。

10. When the housing agreement is ended, the key must be returned to the administrator.The administrator should carefully check the apartments property, if there is any loss, the resident should compensate according to the cost(deducted from the salary).



地址:江西省萍乡萍安北大道211号,337055 Address:No.211 North Pingan Avenue,Pingxiang,Jiangxi,337055,P.R.China